Frenectomies in San Antonio, TX

young family

Lip-ties and tongue-ties are more common than many parents think. In fact, it’s estimated that up to 10% of the population is born with some form of a tongue-tie. Fortunately, these dental issues can be treated with a simple procedure called a frenectomy. To learn more about our services or schedule a consultation with Dr. Rodriguez, please contact us!

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What is a frenectomy?

A conventional frenectomy involves removing the frenulum, or the piece of soft tissue in between the top two front teeth, with a scalpel or using laser therapy. A tongue-tie frenectomy is the removal of the lingual frenulum, which is a band of tissue that connects the base of the tongue with the bottom of the mouth. It’s rare for patients to experience complications after their treatment, and the most common symptoms are usually minor bleeding and soreness.

How will I know if my child needs a frenectomy?

There are a few signs that can indicate that a patient may need a frenectomy. If a baby has been having difficulty breastfeeding or gaining weight, it could be due to a tongue-tie. If your child is older and has a speech impairment or is unable to stick out their tongue past their lips, that can indicate that a frenectomy would be beneficial for them. Pediatric dentists as well as pediatricians watch out for these signs and can make recommendations for you as well.

Does a tongue-tie cause gapped teeth?

Lip-ties can cause a gap in between the two front teeth, as the frenulum takes up space in between the two teeth and pushes them apart. Severe tongue-ties have also been known to cause gaps in the bottom teeth. However, gaps in teeth can be easily treated once the patient has undergone a frenectomy and orthodontic treatment. It’s also important to note that baby teeth are spaced out much farther apart than adult teeth, and once your child has all of their adult teeth, the gaps in their smile may disappear.

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